Jul 12, 2013

July 12, 2013

I should really sign in here more than once a month...but c'est la vie! This is just a quick post before I get moving for the day, Bella is needing a walk and it certainly won't hurt me either! Java will stay behind for now as I want to go farther than she should go. At 13+ years she still wants to do all that we do, it's our job to monitor so she doesn't over do it! Bella needs overdoing to calm her down!

I never did share pictures of Taylor's Graduation Ceremonies. I was a long, lovely day surrounded by his friends and their families. People we have grown to love our the years! I was more emotional than I thought I would be during the ceremony. Seeing all these kids that he went to school with, some since kindergarten, made me appreciate how they have all help to mold Taylor in to the fine, young man he has become. Some of these friends have moved on to different groups of friends as their interests have changed and some have remained constant companions through the good and the bad!

They clean up well
Taylor is still  undecided as to where the next few years will take him and has chosen to work for now and upgrade some marks [hopefully by 2nd semester]. We are okay with his decision as long as he makes productive time of his out of school life. He has a great full time job lined up for now that will take him at least until November. If he plans well,he can save some good money during this time!

As for me, not much is new. I am doing a Phone Photography workshop online through Big Pictures Classes an really enjoying the process. There are daily prompt to stay creative, lots of app reviews and and opportunity to learn lots form the online forums! Two friends have joined me in the workshop, so it's fun to compare ideas! Having lots of fun with the many apps I have purchased!

1 comment:

KellyCreates said...

A new chapter in all of your lives....congrats to Taylor!