Jun 29, 2019

Where did Kim Go?

Hehe...good question! I dropped out of Blogger for a couple years for no other reason than I was on Instagram more, and honestly prefer the visual aspect of it.


That being said, I have recently joined the Quietfire Design creative team and felt this is a good landing place for sharing as well.

https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1lBnSZfXgKyTVhrzCfrlGaizOe-hy6RjYI continue to work with Creative Scrapbooker Magazine and LOVE, LOVE LOVE our team! They are my soft spot in life to land, combining shared interests and great friendships!


So let’s see if the second half of 2019 will be my Blogger year! As I looked back through my blog,I have “left” and come back several times [ahem]!


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