Oct 10, 2008


So I'm back from walking the dogs and thought I'd log into my blog page. How the heck has a month gone by since I last made an entry?!? I do not know where September went, let alone finding out it's Thanksgiving Weekend!

Taylor is settled into school and is getting to know his new hockey team. He was moved up two tiers this year, so I guess his Hockey Camp helped out this summer! Hopefully he has been tiered well and gets to touch the puck often! There are some pretty BIG farm boys in Bantam, hopefully the season will be injury free! That's the part of hockey I do not enjoy, especially when it's my boy!

Bill has been busy with work, no shortage of projects for him to do at the office and home! He's been travelling lots, shorter trips that don't tend to interfere with weekends!

Me...well as I said I don't know where the time has gone. I have taken another photography course called "Understanding Lighting". I have mixed feelings on the class, as it wasn't what I expected and don't feel I got great value for the cost! Regardless I did learn some things I didn't know, played around with painting with light and hopefully will be more aware of light when I take pictures. In the Spring my friend Connie and I will probably take in another class..not sure what yet..there are a few that have caught our interest. It is great having a partner in crime to share common interests with!
So with that I'll sign off, hopefully to be back before a month passes again! I'll share a couple of our "painting with light" images with you! TFL!!!

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