Jan 18, 2009

What a Day!

Today was one of those glorious days you find in the middle of January that help you out of that "Winter Funk". It was 6C on the PLUS side of zero when we went out for a walk to the off leash area today! We so deserved this break from our six week deep freeze! Knowing there will be more days like this when winter comes closer to being done, gives me hope that I will make it through this long, cold winter.

Some things winter a little better than me. These cat tails for example have keep themselves tall and lean...my butt tends to get a little broader during winter...hmmmm...must be all that good holiday food and lack of excercise when it is -40C!!!

I could only dream of cheeks this color in the winter! In the winter my cheeks are one of three colors..."pasty white" from lack of sunshine or "brilliant red"...the color our skins turns before they turn "white" from frostbite! No I am not a "winter girl", and don't think I'll ever warm up to them. If ever there was a perfect winter day it was today! Tomorrow is supposed to go up to 11C...should I call in sick? Who knows when we'll see these temperatures again, but I am so thankful they blew into my world for a few days of enjoyment!

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